
This is my first community post! I have been revisiting bootcamps lately and creating a few lines of code to understand what is underneath the hood.

I have a question resulted from cloned code:

The line of code self.unco= self.dataframe["close"].unstack(level=1) (assume 

self.dataframe = self.History([self.Symbol("IBM"), self.Symbol("AAPL")], 3)) is an invalid operation (probably because the self.dataframe["close"] cannot be possibly unstacked on any direction/dimension other than level=0). 

As I backtest the code through Debug, if I place a breakpoint right after the aforementioned line of code, I receive the following feedback when watching the variable self.unco "***TypeError: 'Timestamp' object is not iterable". So, why is it that if I do not place any breakpoints and just let the code be fully backtested I receive no errors, I get a succesful log and I can even go through the data anywhere from StartDate to EndDate although I made a call to self.unco at the end of my Ondata method? My understanding was that if there was an invalid syntax or a call of an invalid function the code will not progress further. Is there anything I am missing here?  
