Greetings everyone,
I tried to run the python lean backtest on Google Сolab (ubuntu 18.04) following the installation instructions from github and I failed. It seems that the installation instruction for Ubuntu isn't up to date or have bugs. Please take a look at the notebook link below and please tell me what I need to do to make the python backtest algorithm work. The error stack trace is also attached.
I appreciate any help you can provide.
=20210625 19:41:57.081 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): debug-mode - Using default value: False
20210625 19:41:57.089 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: results-destination-folder - Using default value:
20210625 19:41:57.089 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: plugin-directory - Using default value:
20210625 19:41:57.092 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: composer-dll-directory - Using default value:
20210625 19:41:57.097 TRACE:: Composer(): Loading Assemblies from /content/Lean/Launcher/bin/Debug/
20210625 19:41:57.129 TRACE:: Python for .NET Assembly: Python.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5000fea6cba702dd
20210625 19:41:57.214 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: data-directory - Using default value: ../../../Data/
20210625 19:41:57.216 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: version-id - Using default value:
20210625 19:41:57.216 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: cache-location - Using default value: ../../../Data/
20210625 19:41:57.216 TRACE:: Engine.Main(): LEAN ALGORITHMIC TRADING ENGINE v2.5.0.0 Mode: DEBUG (64bit) Host: d7ec83e502bd
20210625 19:41:57.221 TRACE:: Engine.Main(): Started 7:41 PM
20210625 19:41:57.224 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: lean-manager-type - Using default value: LocalLeanManager
20210625 19:41:57.244 TRACE:: JobQueue.NextJob(): Selected ../../../Algorithm.Python/
20210625 19:41:57.348 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): scheduled-event-leaky-bucket-capacity - Using default value: 120
20210625 19:41:57.348 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): scheduled-event-leaky-bucket-time-interval-minutes - Using default value: 1440
20210625 19:41:57.348 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): scheduled-event-leaky-bucket-refill-amount - Using default value: 18
20210625 19:41:57.349 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: algorithm-id - Using default value: BasicTemplateAlgorithm
20210625 19:41:57.350 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): job-project-id - Using default value: 0
20210625 19:41:57.351 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: data-permission-manager - Using default value: DataPermissionManager
20210625 19:41:57.354 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: results-destination-folder - Using default value: /content/Lean/Launcher/bin/Debug
20210625 19:41:57.367 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: object-store-root - Using default value: ./storage
20210625 19:41:57.373 TRACE:: AlgorithmManager.CreateTokenBucket(): Initializing LeakyBucket: Capacity: 120 RefillAmount: 18 TimeInterval: 1440
20210625 19:41:57.375 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): algorithm-manager-time-loop-maximum - Using default value: 20
20210625 19:41:57.389 TRACE:: TextSubscriptionDataSourceReader.SetCacheSize(): Setting cache size to 71582788 items
20210625 19:41:57.781 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): algorithm-creation-timeout - Using default value: 90
20210625 19:41:57.784 TRACE:: PythonInitializer.Initialize(): start...
PythonEngine.Initialize(): Runtime.Initialize()...
20210625 19:41:57.818 ERROR:: Loader.TryCreatePythonAlgorithm(): System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Delegates' threw an exception.
---> System.MissingMethodException: Failed to load symbol PyDictProxy_New: dotnet: undefined symbol: PyDictProxy_New
at Python.Runtime.Platform.LinuxLoader.GetFunction(IntPtr dllHandle, String name)
at Python.Runtime.Runtime.Delegates.GetFunctionByName(String functionName, IntPtr libraryHandle)
at Python.Runtime.Runtime.Delegates..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Python.Runtime.Runtime.Delegates.get_Py_IsInitialized()
at Python.Runtime.Runtime.Py_IsInitialized()
at Python.Runtime.Runtime.Initialize(Boolean initSigs, ShutdownMode mode)
at Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.Initialize(IEnumerable`1 args, Boolean setSysArgv, Boolean initSigs, ShutdownMode mode)
at Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.Initialize(Boolean setSysArgv, Boolean initSigs, ShutdownMode mode)
at Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.Initialize()
at QuantConnect.Python.PythonInitializer.Initialize() in /content/Lean/Common/Python/PythonInitializer.cs:line 45
at QuantConnect.AlgorithmFactory.Loader.TryCreatePythonAlgorithm(String assemblyPath, IAlgorithm& algorithmInstance, String& errorMessage) in /content/Lean/AlgorithmFactory/Loader.cs:line 171
20210625 19:41:57.819 ERROR:: Engine.Run(): QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Setup.AlgorithmSetupException: During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: Loader.TryCreatePythonAlgorithm(): Unable to import python module ../../../Algorithm.Python/ The type initializer for 'Delegates' threw an exception.
at QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Setup.BacktestingSetupHandler.CreateAlgorithmInstance(AlgorithmNodePacket algorithmNodePacket, String assemblyPath) in /content/Lean/Engine/Setup/BacktestingSetupHandler.cs:line 104
at QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Engine.Run(AlgorithmNodePacket job, AlgorithmManager manager, String assemblyPath, WorkerThread workerThread) in /content/Lean/Engine/Engine.cs:line 119
20210625 19:41:57.819 TRACE:: JOB HANDLERS:
20210625 19:41:57.819 TRACE:: DataFeed: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.DataFeeds.FileSystemDataFeed
20210625 19:41:57.819 TRACE:: Setup: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Setup.ConsoleSetupHandler
20210625 19:41:57.819 TRACE:: RealTime: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.RealTime.BacktestingRealTimeHandler
20210625 19:41:57.819 TRACE:: Results: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Results.BacktestingResultHandler
20210625 19:41:57.820 TRACE:: Transactions: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.TransactionHandlers.BacktestingTransactionHandler
20210625 19:41:57.820 TRACE:: Alpha: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Alphas.DefaultAlphaHandler
20210625 19:41:57.820 TRACE:: ObjectStore: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Storage.LocalObjectStore
20210625 19:41:57.820 TRACE:: DefaultAlphaHandler.Exit(): Exiting...
20210625 19:41:57.821 TRACE:: DefaultAlphaHandler.Exit(): Ended
20210625 19:41:57.822 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.Exit(): starting...
20210625 19:41:57.822 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.Exit(): Saving logs...
20210625 19:41:57.825 ERROR:: Algorithm.Initialize() Error: During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: Loader.TryCreatePythonAlgorithm(): Unable to import python module ../../../Algorithm.Python/ The type initializer for 'Delegates' threw an exception. Stack Trace: During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: Loader.TryCreatePythonAlgorithm(): Unable to import python module ../../../Algorithm.Python/ The type initializer for 'Delegates' threw an exception.
During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: Loader.TryCreatePythonAlgorithm(): Unable to import python module ../../../Algorithm.Python/ The type initializer for 'Delegates' threw an exception.
20210625 19:41:57.825 TRACE:: Debug: Your log was successfully created and can be retrieved from: /content/Lean/Launcher/bin/Debug/BasicTemplateAlgorithm-log.txt
20210625 19:41:57.825 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.Run(): Ending Thread...
20210625 19:41:57.825 TRACE:: StopSafely(): waiting for 'Result Thread' thread to stop...
20210625 19:41:57.963 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): regression-update-statistics - Using default value: False
20210625 19:41:57.965 TRACE::
STATISTICS:: Fitness Score 0
STATISTICS:: Kelly Criterion Estimate 0
STATISTICS:: Kelly Criterion Probability Value 0
STATISTICS:: Sortino Ratio 0
STATISTICS:: Return Over Maximum Drawdown 0
STATISTICS:: Portfolio Turnover 0
STATISTICS:: Total Insights Generated 0
STATISTICS:: Total Insights Closed 0
STATISTICS:: Total Insights Analysis Completed 0
STATISTICS:: Long Insight Count 0
STATISTICS:: Short Insight Count 0
STATISTICS:: Long/Short Ratio 100%
STATISTICS:: Estimated Monthly Alpha Value $0
STATISTICS:: Total Accumulated Estimated Alpha Value $0
STATISTICS:: Mean Population Estimated Insight Value $0
STATISTICS:: Mean Population Direction 0%
STATISTICS:: Mean Population Magnitude 0%
STATISTICS:: Rolling Averaged Population Direction 0%
STATISTICS:: Rolling Averaged Population Magnitude 0%
STATISTICS:: OrderListHash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
20210625 19:41:57.965 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.SendAnalysisResult(): Processed final packet
20210625 19:41:57.965 TRACE:: Engine.Run(): Disposing of setup handler...
20210625 19:41:57.965 TRACE:: Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.
Engine.Main(): Analysis Complete.
20210625 19:41:57.966 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): close-automatically - Using default value: False
Engine.Main(): Press any key to continue.
20210625 19:42:22.441 TRACE:: Engine.Main(): Packet removed from queue: BasicTemplateAlgorithm
20210625 19:42:22.441 TRACE:: LeanEngineSystemHandlers.Dispose(): start...
20210625 19:42:22.441 TRACE:: LeanEngineSystemHandlers.Dispose(): Disposed of system handlers.
20210625 19:42:22.441 TRACE:: LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers.Dispose(): start...
20210625 19:42:22.442 TRACE:: LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers.Dispose(): Disposed of algorithm handlers.
20210625 19:42:22.442 TRACE:: Program.Main(): Exiting Lean...
Louis Szeto
Hi Dennis ig
Sorry for the delay. You will just need to activate your self-constructed conda environment "qc_lean" by adding the code:
at the end of step 2 to allow LEAN runs in its required dependencies. We have attached a modified version of your google colab notebook for your reference.
Louis Szeto
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Dennis ig
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