I have this MACD Crossover strategy I've adapted so that, after each entry position, a stop loss is created and the price of which is subsequently updated so it acts as a trailing stop loss. I am having difficulty getting it to initialize and would appreciate any guidance as to what I may be doing incorrectly (error below). Also, how can I set this so that it will only run once every hour? Every x number of minutes? Thanks in advance!

from AlgorithmImports import *

class MACDTrendAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):

    # establish project objects
    stopMarketTicket = None
    stopMarketOrderFillTime = datetime.min
    stopPrice = 0

    def Initialize(self):
        # initialize our algorithm with the basics
        self.SetStartDate(2018, 1, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2021, 10, 22)
        tqqq = self.AddEquity("TQQQ", Resolution.Daily)

        # define our macd parameters
        self.__macd = self.MACD("TQQQ", 6, 35, 6, MovingAverageType.Exponential, Resolution.Daily)
        self.__previous = datetime.min
        self.PlotIndicator("MACD", True, self.__macd, self.__macd.Signal)
        self.PlotIndicator("TQQQ", self.__macd.Fast, self.__macd.Slow)

    def OnData(self, data):
        # wait for our macd to fully initialize
        if not self.__macd.IsReady:

        # define a small tolerance on our checks to avoid bouncing
        tolerance = 0.0025

        holdings = self.Portfolio["TQQQ"].Quantity

        signalDeltaPercent = (self.__macd.Current.Value - self.__macd.Signal.Current.Value)/self.__macd.Fast.Current.Value

        if holdings == 0:
            if signalDeltaPercent > tolerance:
                self.SetHoldings("TQQQ", 1.0)
                self.stopMarketTicket = self.StopMarketOrder("TQQQ", -self.Portfolio["TQQQ"].Quantity, 0.9 * self.Portfolio["TQQQ"].Price)

            if signalDeltaPercent < -tolerance:
                self.SetHoldings("TQQQ", -1.0)
                self.stopMarketTicket = self.StopMarketOrder("TQQQ", self.Portfolio["TQQQ"].Quantity, 0.9 * self.Portfolio["TQQQ"].Price)
        elif holdings != 0:
            if holdings < 0 and signalDeltaPercent > tolerance:
                self.SetHoldings("TQQQ", 1.0)
                self.stopMarketTicket = self.StopMarketOrder("TQQQ", -self.Portfolio["TQQQ"].Quantity, 0.9 * self.Portfolio["TQQQ"].Price)

            if holdings > 0 and signalDeltaPercent < -tolerance:
                self.SetHoldings("TQQQ", -1.0)
                self.stopMarketTicket = self.StopMarketOrder("TQQQ", self.Portfolio["TQQQ"].Quantity, 0.9 * self.Portfolio["TQQQ"].Price)
        if holdings >=0 and self.Securities["TQQQ"].Close > self.stopPrice:
            self.stopPrice = self.Securities["TQQQ"].Close
            updateFields = UpdateOrderFields()
            updateFields.StopPrice = self.stopPrice * 0.95
        elif holdings <=0 and self.Securities["TQQQ"].Close < self.stopPrice:
            self.stopPrice = self.Securities["TQQQ"].Close
            updateFields = UpdateOrderFields()
            updateFields.StopPrice = self.stopPrice * 0.95

        self.__previous = self.Time


42 | 17:29:57:

Runtime Error: InvalidOperationException : Sequence contains no elements
at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoElementsException()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Last[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at QuantConnect.Orders.OrderTicket.Update(UpdateOrderFields fields) in /LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/Orders/OrderTicket.cs:line 279 
at OnData
at Python.Runtime.PyObject.Invoke(PyTuple args in main.py: line 66 (Open Stacktrace)

43 | 17:30:07:

Algorithm Id:(15bdaac636f5d7f605a7df768009cb99) completed in 10.63 seconds at 0k data points per second. Processing total of 328 data points.

44 | 17:30:07:

Backtest Handled Error: Unable to submit order with id -10 that has zero quantity.