I'm trying to create Elder Force Index with ATR Channels so that I can backtest a strategy that involves this indicator. Someone has already written the code in TradingView so I'm essentially just trying to reproduce that code in QuantConnect.

I've created the EFI using a deque and I've applied the EMA. I'm stuck on line 74 where it performs the ATR on the indicator data. The documentation in QC shows how to use IndicatorExtensions but I'm not sure it works in this scenario.

Can anyone point me to documentation that shows how to pump custom indicator values from a deque and build a new list off of that in QC? Heck, maybe this particular indicator already exists and I don't need to create it myself. That would be dandy! =)

In the meantime, I'm going to complete more of the courses and hopefully discover something there that will help me think differently about this obstacle. Looking forward to any assistance.