Hello, I would like to use local equity history data for producing candle stick charts to compare entries/exits of various local  backtests. I would like to use an angular front end, not a Jupyter notebook, so I tried loading the QC dll's using pythonnet and use QuantBook but ran into many many issues (currently here: https://www.quantconnect.com/forum/discussion/14428/loading-quantbook-locally-outside-of-research-using-pythonnet ), but if I am successful with that approach, it would be very hard for others to reproduce the various changes if I want to share the project for other people to use.

What is the default data normalization mode for the daily usa equity data files saved locally? If it is not adjusted, is there a simple process to get the adjusted data? I can try to load the history in a QC jupyter notebook and output the df in a csv however I am trying to avoid extra setup steps for others.