Here is my code (granted, this is a basic template of the code, which is why it wont make sense logically but don't worry about that). I'm looking to find a way to make the algorithm recognize to stop placing orders a billion times.




namespace QuantConnect
    *   OANDA/QuantConnect Basic Template:
    *    Fundamentals to using a QuantConnect algorithm.
    *    You can view the QCAlgorithm base class on Github:
    public class BasicTemplateAlgorithm : QCAlgorithm
        //Initialize the data and resolution you require for your strategy:
        public override void Initialize()
            // Date range for your backtest
            // In live trading these are ignored.
            SetStartDate(2016, 1, 1);
            SetEndDate(2016, 1, 7);
            // Set cash allocation for backtest
            // In live trading this is ignored and your real account is used.
            // Specify the OANDA Brokerage: This gives lets us know the fee models & data.
            //Add as many securities as you like. All the data will be passed into the event handler:
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Forex, "EURUSD", Resolution.Second, true);

        // Event handler for the price events
        public override void OnData(Slice data)
            int holdings = 0;
            if (!data.ContainsKey("EURUSD")) return;
            var spread2 = (data["EURUSD"].Ask.Close-data["EURUSD"].Bid.Close)*10000;
            var unitval2 = Portfolio.Cash*2;
            unitval2 = Decimal.ToInt32(unitval2);
            if (Portfolio.HoldStock == false && spread2<2 && holdings == 0)
                holdings = 1;
                Random rand = new Random();
            int random = rand.Next(0,101);
                    Sell("EURUSD", unitval2);
                else if(random>=50)
                    Buy("EURUSD", unitval2);
        while (holdings == 1)
                    holdings = 0;
                else if(Portfolio.TotalProfit<=(44/10)*Portfolio.Cash*(2/1000))
                    holdings = 0;
                else return;