
I compared the data in Quantconnect to the data I see on my Oanda account. I couldn't match them. 

eur = qb.AddForex("EURUSD", Resolution.Daily, Market.Oanda) hist = qb.History(eur.Symbol, 360, Resolution.Daily) hist.loc[hist.index.get_level_values(1) > pd.to_datetime('2018-09-10')]

1) Examples

2018-09-10 | QC Ask.Close = 1.15943 | Oanda Ask.Close = 1.16062

2018-09-18 | QC Ask.Close = 1.16788 | Oanda Ask.Close = 1.16729

2) Why is the daily time stamp is at "20:00:00" ? I thought it should be the NY Close, which is at 17:00 in NY, isn't it? "20:00:00" means GMT-1, right?

