I was using Tradier, but as it turns out, they don't have access to buy or sell the EFT fund I want to trade. So, as a work around, I decided I'll use QuantConnect to perform the technical analysis, and I'll do the trading manually.

To help me in this effort, I wrote a simple little function to notify me via email and SMS. From what I understand, the algorithm must be running in "Live" mode to send emails and sms messages. To test it, I'm sending one email and one SMS message when the algorithm initializes. But, I'm not receiving any SMS or email messages.

Here's the little function I wrote to send the SMS and email messages.

public void SendMessage(string msg_body, string msg_subject, string email_address, string cell_number) {

if (sendEmail) {

Notify.Email( email_address, msg_subject, msg_body, "" );


if (sendSMS) {

Notify.Sms( cell_number, msg_body);



Does anyone have any ideas on why this isn't working?