I am having trouble getting my local Lean project to download data from Quantconnect.  I've followed the below guide, however it seems outdated.  Under Data on the website, I don't see any option to purchase data.  I have requested an application User ID and Token, and plugged those values into my project config.json.  I have also updated the config to use "data-provider": "QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.DataFeeds.ApiDataProvider".  When running my application, I find these messages in my log file:

2021-06-11T01:00:11.4971903Z TRACE:: ApiDataProvider.Fetch(): Attempting to get data from QuantConnect.com's data library for symbol(GBPUSD), resolution(Minute) and date(5/19/2014).
2021-06-11T01:00:11.5036533Z ERROR:: ApiDataProvider.Fetch(): Unable to remotely retrieve data for path ../Data/forex\oanda\minute\nzdusd\20140518_quote.zip. Please make sure you have the necessary data in your online QuantConnect data library.

 What can I be missing?