Hello QC Community,

I would like to know whether it's possible to add the Delta variable in the OptionChainProvider at the filtering function of self.otm_puts and self.otm_calls.

    def OptionsFilter(self,data,ticker):
        contracts = self.OptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(ticker, data.Time)
        self.UnderlyingPrice = self.Securities[ticker].Price
        self.otm_puts = [x for x in contracts if self.UnderlyingPrice - x.ID.StrikePrice < 0 and x.ID.OptionRight == 1 and 
                self.DELTAX < (x.ID.Date - data.Time).days < self.DELTAY]
        self.otm_calls = [x for x in contracts if self.UnderlyingPrice - x.ID.StrikePrice > 0 and x.ID.OptionRight == 0 and 
                self.DELTAX < (x.ID.Date - data.Time).days < self.DELTAY]
        contracts = self.otm_calls + self.otm_puts
        if len(contracts) == 0:
            return None
        for contract in contracts:
            option = self.AddOptionContract(contract, Resolution.Minute)
            option.PriceModel = OptionPriceModels.CrankNicolsonFD()
        return self.otm_calls, self.otm_puts