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API Reference

lean cloud pull


Pull projects from QuantConnect to the local drive.

$ lean cloud pull [OPTIONS]

To use the CLI, you must be a member in an organization on a paid tier.


Pulls projects from QuantConnect to your local directory while preserving the directory structure of your projects on QuantConnect. The project's files, description, and parameters are pulled from the cloud. By default, all cloud projects are pulled from the organization that's linked to your current organization workspace. If you provide a --project option, you only pull a single project from the cloud.

Before pulling a cloud project, the CLI checks if the local directory with the same path already exists. If it does and the local directory is not linked to the cloud project (because of an earlier lean cloud pull or lean cloud push), the CLI skips pulling the cloud project and logs a descriptive warning message.

If you have a local copy of a project when you pull it from the cloud, local files that don't exist in the cloud are not deleted, but the configuration values of your cloud project overwrite the configuration values of the local version. If you have renamed the project in the cloud, when you pull the project from the cloud, the local project is renamed to match the name of the cloud project.

If one of your team members creates a project library, adds it to a project, and then adds you as a collaborator to the project, you can pull the project but not the library. To pull the library as well, your team member must add you as a collaborator on the library project.


The lean cloud pull command supports the following options:

--project <string>Name or id of the project to pull (all cloud projects if not specified)
--pull-bootcampPull Boot Camp projects (disabled by default)
--encryptPull your cloud files and encrypt them before saving on your local drive
--decryptPull your cloud files and decrypt them before saving on your local drive
--key <file>Path to the encryption key to use
--verboseEnable debug logging
--helpDisplay the help text of the lean cloud pull command and exit

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