Backtest Management
Create Backtest
Create a new backtest given a project Id and compile Id. The /backtests/create
API accepts requests in the following format:
CreateBacktestRequest Model - Request to create a new backtest. | |
projectId | integer Project Id we sent for compile. |
compileId | string Compile Id for the project to backtest. |
backtestName | string Name for the new backtest. |
Example |
{ "projectId": 0, "compileId": "string", "backtestName": "string" } |
The /backtests/create
API provides a response in the following format:
200 Success
BacktestResponse Model - Collection container for a list of backtests for a project. | |
backtest | BacktestResult Array Collection of backtests for a project. |
debugging | boolean Indicates if the backtest is run under debugging mode. |
success | boolean Indicate if the API request was successful. |
errors | string Array List of errors with the API call. |
Example |
{ "backtest": [ { "note": "string", "name": "string", "organizationId": 0, "projectId": 0, "completed": true, "optimizationId": "string", "backtestId": "string", "tradeableDates": 0, "researchGuide": { "minutes": 0, "backtestCount": 0, "parameters": 0 }, "backtestStart": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "backtestEnd": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "created": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "snapshotId": 0, "status": "Completed.", "error": "string", "stacktrace": "string", "progress": 0, "hasInitializeError": true, "charts": { "name": "string" }, "parameterSet": { "name": "string", "value": 0 }, "rollingWindow": { "tradeStatistics": { "startDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "endDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "totalNumberOfTrades": 0, "numberOfWinningTrades": 0, "numberOfLosingTrades": 0, "totalProfitLoss": 0, "totalProfit": 0, "totalLoss": 0, "largestProfit": 0, "largestLoss": 0, "averageProfitLoss": 0, "averageProfit": 0, "averageLoss": 0, "averageTradeDuration": "string", "averageWinningTradeDuration": "string", "averageLosingTradeDuration": "string", "medianTradeDuration": "string", "medianWinningTradeDuration": "string", "medianLosingTradeDuration": "string", "maxConsecutiveWinningTrades": 0, "maxConsecutiveLosingTrades": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "averageMAE": 0, "averageMFE": 0, "largestMAE": 0, "largestMFE": 0, "maximumClosedTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumIntraTradeDrawdown": 0, "profitLossStandardDeviation": 0, "profitLossDownsideDeviation": 0, "profitFactor": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "profitToMaxDrawdownRatio": 0, "maximumEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "averageEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumDrawdownDuration": "string", "totalFees": 0 }, "portfolioStatistics": { "averageWinRate": 0, "averageLossRate": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "expectancy": 0, "startEquity": 0, "endEquity": 0, "compoundingAnnualReturn": 0, "drawdown": 0, "totalNetProfit": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "probabilisticSharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "alpha": 0, "beta": 0, "annualStandardDeviation": 0, "annualVariance": 0, "informationRatio": 0, "trackingError": 0, "treynorRatio": 0, "portfolioTurnover": 0, "valueAtRisk99": 0, "valueAtRisk95": 0 }, "closedTrades": [ { "symbol": { "value": "string", "id": "string", "permtick": "string" }, "entryTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "entryPrice": 0, "direction": "Long", "quantity": 0, "exitTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "exitPrice": 0, "profitLoss": 0, "totalFees": 0, "mae": 0, "mfe": 0, "duration": "string", "endTradeDrawdown": 0 } ] }, "runtimeStatistics": { "Equity": "$100.00", "Fees": "-$100.00", "Holdings": "$100.00", "Net Profit": "$100.00", "Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio": "50.00%", "Return": "50.00%", "Unrealized": "$100.00", "Volume": "$100.00" }, "statistics": { "Total Orders": "string", "Average Win": "string", "Average Loss": "string", "Compounding Annual Return": "string", "Drawdown": "string", "Expectancy": "string", "Start Equity": "string", "End Equity": "string", "Net Profit": "string", "Sharpe Ratio": "string", "Sortino Ratio": "string", "Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio": "string", "Loss Rate": "string", "Win Rate": "string", "Profit-Loss Ratio": "string", "Alpha": "string", "Beta": "string", "Annual Standard Deviation": "string", "Annual Variance": "string", "Information Ratio": "string", "Tracking Error": "string", "Treynor Ratio": "string", "Total Fees": "string", "Estimated Strategy Capacity": "string", "Lowest Capacity Asset": "string", "Portfolio Turnover": "string" }, "totalPerformance": { "tradeStatistics": { "startDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "endDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "totalNumberOfTrades": 0, "numberOfWinningTrades": 0, "numberOfLosingTrades": 0, "totalProfitLoss": 0, "totalProfit": 0, "totalLoss": 0, "largestProfit": 0, "largestLoss": 0, "averageProfitLoss": 0, "averageProfit": 0, "averageLoss": 0, "averageTradeDuration": "string", "averageWinningTradeDuration": "string", "averageLosingTradeDuration": "string", "medianTradeDuration": "string", "medianWinningTradeDuration": "string", "medianLosingTradeDuration": "string", "maxConsecutiveWinningTrades": 0, "maxConsecutiveLosingTrades": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "averageMAE": 0, "averageMFE": 0, "largestMAE": 0, "largestMFE": 0, "maximumClosedTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumIntraTradeDrawdown": 0, "profitLossStandardDeviation": 0, "profitLossDownsideDeviation": 0, "profitFactor": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "profitToMaxDrawdownRatio": 0, "maximumEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "averageEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumDrawdownDuration": "string", "totalFees": 0 }, "portfolioStatistics": { "averageWinRate": 0, "averageLossRate": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "expectancy": 0, "startEquity": 0, "endEquity": 0, "compoundingAnnualReturn": 0, "drawdown": 0, "totalNetProfit": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "probabilisticSharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "alpha": 0, "beta": 0, "annualStandardDeviation": 0, "annualVariance": 0, "informationRatio": 0, "trackingError": 0, "treynorRatio": 0, "portfolioTurnover": 0, "valueAtRisk99": 0, "valueAtRisk95": 0 }, "closedTrades": [ { "symbol": { "value": "string", "id": "string", "permtick": "string" }, "entryTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "entryPrice": 0, "direction": "Long", "quantity": 0, "exitTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "exitPrice": 0, "profitLoss": 0, "totalFees": 0, "mae": 0, "mfe": 0, "duration": "string", "endTradeDrawdown": 0 } ] }, "nodeName": "string", "outOfSampleMaxEndDate": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "outOfSampleDays": 0 } ], "debugging": true, "success": true, "errors": [ "string" ] } |
BacktestResult Model - Results object class. Results are exhaust from backtest or live algorithms running in LEAN. | |
note | string Note on the backtest attached by the user. |
name | string Name of the backtest. |
organizationId | integer Organization ID. |
projectId | integer Project ID. |
completed | boolean Boolean true when the backtest is completed. |
optimizationId | string Optimization task ID, if the backtest is part of an optimization. |
backtestId | string Assigned backtest ID. |
tradeableDates | integer Number of traadeable days. |
researchGuide | ResearchGuide object A power gauge for backtests, time and parameters to estimate the overfitting risk. |
backtestStart | string($date-time) The starting time of the backtest. |
backtestEnd | string($date-time) The ending time of the backtest. |
created | string($date-time) Backtest creation date and time. |
snapshotId | integer Snapshot id of this backtest result. |
status | string Enum Status of the backtest. Options : ['Completed.', 'In Queue...', "'Running: _%'"] |
error | string Backtest error message. |
stacktrace | string Backtest error stacktrace. |
progress | number Progress of the backtest in percent 0-1. |
hasInitializeError | boolean Indicates if the backtest has error during initialization. |
charts | ChartSummary object Charts updates for the live algorithm since the last result packet. |
parameterSet | ParameterSet object Parameters used in the backtest. |
rollingWindow | AlgorithmPerformance object Rolling window detailed statistics. |
runtimeStatistics | RuntimeStatistics object Runtime banner/updating statistics in the title banner of the live algorithm GUI. |
statistics | StatisticsResult object Statistics information sent during the algorithm operations. |
totalPerformance | AlgorithmPerformance object The algorithm performance statistics. |
nodeName | string The backtest node name. |
outOfSampleMaxEndDate | string($date-time) End date of out of sample data. |
outOfSampleDays | integer Number of days of out of sample days. |
Example |
{ "note": "string", "name": "string", "organizationId": 0, "projectId": 0, "completed": true, "optimizationId": "string", "backtestId": "string", "tradeableDates": 0, "researchGuide": { "minutes": 0, "backtestCount": 0, "parameters": 0 }, "backtestStart": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "backtestEnd": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "created": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "snapshotId": 0, "status": "Completed.", "error": "string", "stacktrace": "string", "progress": 0, "hasInitializeError": true, "charts": { "name": "string" }, "parameterSet": { "name": "string", "value": 0 }, "rollingWindow": { "tradeStatistics": { "startDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "endDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "totalNumberOfTrades": 0, "numberOfWinningTrades": 0, "numberOfLosingTrades": 0, "totalProfitLoss": 0, "totalProfit": 0, "totalLoss": 0, "largestProfit": 0, "largestLoss": 0, "averageProfitLoss": 0, "averageProfit": 0, "averageLoss": 0, "averageTradeDuration": "string", "averageWinningTradeDuration": "string", "averageLosingTradeDuration": "string", "medianTradeDuration": "string", "medianWinningTradeDuration": "string", "medianLosingTradeDuration": "string", "maxConsecutiveWinningTrades": 0, "maxConsecutiveLosingTrades": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "averageMAE": 0, "averageMFE": 0, "largestMAE": 0, "largestMFE": 0, "maximumClosedTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumIntraTradeDrawdown": 0, "profitLossStandardDeviation": 0, "profitLossDownsideDeviation": 0, "profitFactor": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "profitToMaxDrawdownRatio": 0, "maximumEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "averageEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumDrawdownDuration": "string", "totalFees": 0 }, "portfolioStatistics": { "averageWinRate": 0, "averageLossRate": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "expectancy": 0, "startEquity": 0, "endEquity": 0, "compoundingAnnualReturn": 0, "drawdown": 0, "totalNetProfit": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "probabilisticSharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "alpha": 0, "beta": 0, "annualStandardDeviation": 0, "annualVariance": 0, "informationRatio": 0, "trackingError": 0, "treynorRatio": 0, "portfolioTurnover": 0, "valueAtRisk99": 0, "valueAtRisk95": 0 }, "closedTrades": [ { "symbol": { "value": "string", "id": "string", "permtick": "string" }, "entryTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "entryPrice": 0, "direction": "Long", "quantity": 0, "exitTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "exitPrice": 0, "profitLoss": 0, "totalFees": 0, "mae": 0, "mfe": 0, "duration": "string", "endTradeDrawdown": 0 } ] }, "runtimeStatistics": { "Equity": "$100.00", "Fees": "-$100.00", "Holdings": "$100.00", "Net Profit": "$100.00", "Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio": "50.00%", "Return": "50.00%", "Unrealized": "$100.00", "Volume": "$100.00" }, "statistics": { "Total Orders": "string", "Average Win": "string", "Average Loss": "string", "Compounding Annual Return": "string", "Drawdown": "string", "Expectancy": "string", "Start Equity": "string", "End Equity": "string", "Net Profit": "string", "Sharpe Ratio": "string", "Sortino Ratio": "string", "Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio": "string", "Loss Rate": "string", "Win Rate": "string", "Profit-Loss Ratio": "string", "Alpha": "string", "Beta": "string", "Annual Standard Deviation": "string", "Annual Variance": "string", "Information Ratio": "string", "Tracking Error": "string", "Treynor Ratio": "string", "Total Fees": "string", "Estimated Strategy Capacity": "string", "Lowest Capacity Asset": "string", "Portfolio Turnover": "string" }, "totalPerformance": { "tradeStatistics": { "startDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "endDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "totalNumberOfTrades": 0, "numberOfWinningTrades": 0, "numberOfLosingTrades": 0, "totalProfitLoss": 0, "totalProfit": 0, "totalLoss": 0, "largestProfit": 0, "largestLoss": 0, "averageProfitLoss": 0, "averageProfit": 0, "averageLoss": 0, "averageTradeDuration": "string", "averageWinningTradeDuration": "string", "averageLosingTradeDuration": "string", "medianTradeDuration": "string", "medianWinningTradeDuration": "string", "medianLosingTradeDuration": "string", "maxConsecutiveWinningTrades": 0, "maxConsecutiveLosingTrades": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "averageMAE": 0, "averageMFE": 0, "largestMAE": 0, "largestMFE": 0, "maximumClosedTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumIntraTradeDrawdown": 0, "profitLossStandardDeviation": 0, "profitLossDownsideDeviation": 0, "profitFactor": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "profitToMaxDrawdownRatio": 0, "maximumEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "averageEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumDrawdownDuration": "string", "totalFees": 0 }, "portfolioStatistics": { "averageWinRate": 0, "averageLossRate": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "expectancy": 0, "startEquity": 0, "endEquity": 0, "compoundingAnnualReturn": 0, "drawdown": 0, "totalNetProfit": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "probabilisticSharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "alpha": 0, "beta": 0, "annualStandardDeviation": 0, "annualVariance": 0, "informationRatio": 0, "trackingError": 0, "treynorRatio": 0, "portfolioTurnover": 0, "valueAtRisk99": 0, "valueAtRisk95": 0 }, "closedTrades": [ { "symbol": { "value": "string", "id": "string", "permtick": "string" }, "entryTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "entryPrice": 0, "direction": "Long", "quantity": 0, "exitTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "exitPrice": 0, "profitLoss": 0, "totalFees": 0, "mae": 0, "mfe": 0, "duration": "string", "endTradeDrawdown": 0 } ] }, "nodeName": "string", "outOfSampleMaxEndDate": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "outOfSampleDays": 0 } |
ResearchGuide Model - A power gauge for backtests, time and parameters to estimate the overfitting risk. | |
minutes | integer Number of minutes used in developing the current backtest. |
backtestCount | integer The quantity of backtests run in the project. |
parameters | integer Number of parameters detected. |
Example |
{ "minutes": 0, "backtestCount": 0, "parameters": 0 } |
ChartSummary Model - Contains the names of all charts | |
name | string Name of the Chart. |
Example |
{ "name": "string" } |
ParameterSet Model - Parameter set. | |
name | string Name of parameter. |
value | number Value of parameter. |
Example |
{ "name": "string", "value": 0 } |
AlgorithmPerformance Model - The AlgorithmPerformance class is a wrapper for TradeStatistics and PortfolioStatistics. | |
tradeStatistics | TradeStatistics object A set of statistics calculated from a list of closed trades. |
portfolioStatistics | PortfolioStatistics object Represents a set of statistics calculated from equity and benchmark samples. |
closedTrades | Trade Array The algorithm statistics on portfolio. |
Example |
{ "tradeStatistics": { "startDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "endDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "totalNumberOfTrades": 0, "numberOfWinningTrades": 0, "numberOfLosingTrades": 0, "totalProfitLoss": 0, "totalProfit": 0, "totalLoss": 0, "largestProfit": 0, "largestLoss": 0, "averageProfitLoss": 0, "averageProfit": 0, "averageLoss": 0, "averageTradeDuration": "string", "averageWinningTradeDuration": "string", "averageLosingTradeDuration": "string", "medianTradeDuration": "string", "medianWinningTradeDuration": "string", "medianLosingTradeDuration": "string", "maxConsecutiveWinningTrades": 0, "maxConsecutiveLosingTrades": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "averageMAE": 0, "averageMFE": 0, "largestMAE": 0, "largestMFE": 0, "maximumClosedTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumIntraTradeDrawdown": 0, "profitLossStandardDeviation": 0, "profitLossDownsideDeviation": 0, "profitFactor": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "profitToMaxDrawdownRatio": 0, "maximumEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "averageEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumDrawdownDuration": "string", "totalFees": 0 }, "portfolioStatistics": { "averageWinRate": 0, "averageLossRate": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "expectancy": 0, "startEquity": 0, "endEquity": 0, "compoundingAnnualReturn": 0, "drawdown": 0, "totalNetProfit": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "probabilisticSharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "alpha": 0, "beta": 0, "annualStandardDeviation": 0, "annualVariance": 0, "informationRatio": 0, "trackingError": 0, "treynorRatio": 0, "portfolioTurnover": 0, "valueAtRisk99": 0, "valueAtRisk95": 0 }, "closedTrades": [ { "symbol": { "value": "string", "id": "string", "permtick": "string" }, "entryTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "entryPrice": 0, "direction": "Long", "quantity": 0, "exitTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "exitPrice": 0, "profitLoss": 0, "totalFees": 0, "mae": 0, "mfe": 0, "duration": "string", "endTradeDrawdown": 0 } ] } |
TradeStatistics Model - A set of statistics calculated from a list of closed trades. | |
startDateTime | string($date-time) The entry date/time of the first trade. |
endDateTime | string($date-time) The exit date/time of the first trade. |
totalNumberOfTrades | integer The total number of trades. |
numberOfWinningTrades | integer The total number of winning trades. |
numberOfLosingTrades | integer The total number of losing trades. |
totalProfitLoss | number The total profit/loss for all trades (as symbol currency). |
totalProfit | number The total profit for all winning trades (as symbol currency). |
totalLoss | number The total loss for all losing trades (as symbol currency). |
largestProfit | number The largest profit in a single trade (as symbol currency). |
largestLoss | number The largest loss in a single trade (as symbol currency). |
averageProfitLoss | number The average profit/loss (a.k.a. Expectancy or Average Trade) for all trades (as symbol currency). |
averageProfit | number The average profit for all winning trades (as symbol currency). |
averageLoss | number The average loss for all winning trades (as symbol currency). |
averageTradeDuration | string The average duration for all trades. |
averageWinningTradeDuration | string The average duration for all winning trades. |
averageLosingTradeDuration | string The average duration for all losing trades. |
medianTradeDuration | string The median duration for all trades. |
medianWinningTradeDuration | string The median duration for all winning trades. |
medianLosingTradeDuration | string The median duration for all losing trades. |
maxConsecutiveWinningTrades | integer The maximum number of consecutive winning trades. |
maxConsecutiveLosingTrades | integer The maximum number of consecutive losing trades. |
profitLossRatio | number The ratio of the average profit per trade to the average loss per trade. |
winLossRatio | number The ratio of the number of winning trades to the number of losing trades. |
winRate | number The ratio of the number of winning trades to the total number of trades. |
lossRate | number The ratio of the number of losing trades to the total number of trades. |
averageMAE | number The average Maximum Adverse Excursion for all trades. |
averageMFE | number The average Maximum Adverse Excursion for all trades. |
largestMAE | number The average Maximum Favorable Excursion for all trades. |
largestMFE | number The largest Maximum Adverse Excursion in a single trade (as symbol currency). |
maximumClosedTradeDrawdown | number The maximum closed-trade drawdown for all trades (as symbol currency). |
maximumIntraTradeDrawdown | number The maximum intra-trade drawdown for all trades (as symbol currency). |
profitLossStandardDeviation | number The standard deviation of the profits/losses for all trades (as symbol currency). |
profitLossDownsideDeviation | number The downside deviation of the profits/losses for all trades (as symbol currency). |
profitFactor | number The ratio of the total profit to the total loss. |
sharpeRatio | number The ratio of the average profit/loss to the standard deviation. |
sortinoRatio | number The ratio of the average profit/loss to the downside deviation. |
profitToMaxDrawdownRatio | number The ratio of the total profit/loss to the maximum closed trade drawdown. |
maximumEndTradeDrawdown | number The maximum amount of profit given back by a single trade before exit (as symbol currency). |
averageEndTradeDrawdown | number The average amount of profit given back by all trades before exit (as symbol currency). |
maximumDrawdownDuration | string The maximum amount of time to recover from a drawdown (longest time between new equity highs or peaks). |
totalFees | number The sum of fees for all trades. |
Example |
{ "startDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "endDateTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "totalNumberOfTrades": 0, "numberOfWinningTrades": 0, "numberOfLosingTrades": 0, "totalProfitLoss": 0, "totalProfit": 0, "totalLoss": 0, "largestProfit": 0, "largestLoss": 0, "averageProfitLoss": 0, "averageProfit": 0, "averageLoss": 0, "averageTradeDuration": "string", "averageWinningTradeDuration": "string", "averageLosingTradeDuration": "string", "medianTradeDuration": "string", "medianWinningTradeDuration": "string", "medianLosingTradeDuration": "string", "maxConsecutiveWinningTrades": 0, "maxConsecutiveLosingTrades": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "averageMAE": 0, "averageMFE": 0, "largestMAE": 0, "largestMFE": 0, "maximumClosedTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumIntraTradeDrawdown": 0, "profitLossStandardDeviation": 0, "profitLossDownsideDeviation": 0, "profitFactor": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "profitToMaxDrawdownRatio": 0, "maximumEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "averageEndTradeDrawdown": 0, "maximumDrawdownDuration": "string", "totalFees": 0 } |
PortfolioStatistics Model - Represents a set of statistics calculated from equity and benchmark samples. | |
averageWinRate | number The average rate of return for winning trades. |
averageLossRate | number The average rate of return for losing trades. |
profitLossRatio | number The ratio of the average win rate to the average loss rate. |
winRate | number The ratio of the number of winning trades to the total number of trades. |
lossRate | number The ratio of the number of losing trades to the total number of trades. |
expectancy | number The expected value of the rate of return. |
startEquity | number Initial Equity Total Value. |
endEquity | number Final Equity Total Value. |
compoundingAnnualReturn | number Annual compounded returns statistic based on the final-starting capital and years. |
drawdown | number Drawdown maximum percentage. |
totalNetProfit | number The total net profit percentage. |
sharpeRatio | number Sharpe ratio with respect to risk free rate: measures excess of return per unit of risk. |
probabilisticSharpeRatio | number Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio is a probability measure associated with the Sharpe ratio. It informs us of the probability that the estimated Sharpe ratio is greater than a chosen benchmark. |
sortinoRatio | number Sortino ratio with respect to risk free rate; measures excess of return per unit of downside risk. |
alpha | number Algorithm "Alpha" statistic - abnormal returns over the risk free rate and the relationshio (beta) with the benchmark returns. |
beta | number Algorithm beta statistic - the covariance between the algorithm and benchmark performance, divided by benchmark variance. |
annualStandardDeviation | number Annualized standard deviation. |
annualVariance | number Annualized variance statistic calculation using the daily performance variance and trading days per year. |
informationRatio | number Information ratio - risk adjusted return. |
trackingError | number Tracking error volatility (TEV) statistic - a measure of how closely a portfolio follows the index to which it is benchmarked. |
treynorRatio | number Treynor ratio statistic is a measurement of the returns earned in excess of that which could have been earned on an investment that has no diversifiable risk. |
portfolioTurnover | number The average Portfolio Turnover. |
valueAtRisk99 | number The 1-day VaR for the portfolio, using the Variance-covariance approach. Assumes a 99% confidence level, 1 year lookback period, and that the returns are normally distributed. |
valueAtRisk95 | number The 1-day VaR for the portfolio, using the Variance-covariance approach. Assumes a 95% confidence level, 1 year lookback period, and that the returns are normally distributed. |
Example |
{ "averageWinRate": 0, "averageLossRate": 0, "profitLossRatio": 0, "winRate": 0, "lossRate": 0, "expectancy": 0, "startEquity": 0, "endEquity": 0, "compoundingAnnualReturn": 0, "drawdown": 0, "totalNetProfit": 0, "sharpeRatio": 0, "probabilisticSharpeRatio": 0, "sortinoRatio": 0, "alpha": 0, "beta": 0, "annualStandardDeviation": 0, "annualVariance": 0, "informationRatio": 0, "trackingError": 0, "treynorRatio": 0, "portfolioTurnover": 0, "valueAtRisk99": 0, "valueAtRisk95": 0 } |
Trade Model - Represents a closed trade. | |
symbol | Symbol object Represents a unique security identifier. This is made of two components, the unique SID and the Value. The value is the current ticker symbol while the SID is constant over the life of a security. |
entryTime | string($date-time) The date and time the trade was opened. |
entryPrice | number The price at which the trade was opened (or the average price if multiple entries). |
direction | string Enum Direction of a trade. Options : ['Long', 'Short'] |
quantity | number The total unsigned quantity of the trade. |
exitTime | string($date-time) The date and time the trade was closed. |
exitPrice | number The price at which the trade was closed (or the average price if multiple exits). |
profitLoss | number The gross profit/loss of the trade (as account currency). |
totalFees | number The total fees associated with the trade (always positive value) (as account currency). |
mae | number The Maximum Adverse Excursion (as account currency). |
mfe | number The Maximum Favorable Excursion (as account currency). |
duration | string The duration of the trade. |
endTradeDrawdown | number The amount of profit given back before the trade was closed. |
Example |
{ "symbol": { "value": "string", "id": "string", "permtick": "string" }, "entryTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "entryPrice": 0, "direction": "Long", "quantity": 0, "exitTime": "2021-11-26T15:18:27.693Z", "exitPrice": 0, "profitLoss": 0, "totalFees": 0, "mae": 0, "mfe": 0, "duration": "string", "endTradeDrawdown": 0 } |
Symbol Model - Represents a unique security identifier. This is made of two components, the unique SID and the Value. The value is the current ticker symbol while the SID is constant over the life of a security. | |
value | string The current symbol for this ticker. |
id | string The security identifier for this symbol. |
permtick | string The current symbol for this ticker. |
Example |
{ "value": "string", "id": "string", "permtick": "string" } |
RuntimeStatistics Model | |
Equity | string Total portfolio value. |
Fees | string Transaction fee. |
Holdings | string Equity value of security holdings. |
Net Profit | string Net profit. |
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio | string Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio. |
Return | string Return. |
Unrealized | string Unrealized profit/loss. |
Volume | string Total transaction volume. |
Example |
{ "Equity": "$100.00", "Fees": "-$100.00", "Holdings": "$100.00", "Net Profit": "$100.00", "Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio": "50.00%", "Return": "50.00%", "Unrealized": "$100.00", "Volume": "$100.00" } |
StatisticsResult Model - Statistics information sent during the algorithm operations. | |
Total Orders | string Total nuber of orders. |
Average Win | string The average rate of return for winning trades. |
Average Loss | string The average rate of return for losing trades. |
Compounding Annual Return | string Annual compounded returns statistic based on the final-starting capital and years. |
Drawdown | string Drawdown maximum percentage. |
Expectancy | string The expected value of the rate of return. |
Start Equity | string Initial Equity Total Value. |
End Equity | string Final Equity Total Value. |
Net Profit | string The total net profit percentage. |
Sharpe Ratio | string Sharpe ratio with respect to risk free rate; measures excess of return per unit of risk. |
Sortino Ratio | string Sortino ratio with respect to risk free rate; measures excess of return per unit of downside risk. |
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio | string Is a probability measure associated with the Sharpe ratio. It informs us of the probability that the estimated Sharpe ratio is greater than a chosen benchmark. |
Loss Rate | string The ratio of the number of losing trades to the total number of trades. |
Win Rate | string The ratio of the number of winning trades to the total number of trades. |
Profit-Loss Ratio | string The ratio of the average win rate to the average loss rate. |
Alpha | string Algorithm "Alpha" statistic - abnormal returns over the risk free rate and the relationshio (beta) with the benchmark returns. |
Beta | string Algorithm "beta" statistic - the covariance between the algorithm and benchmark performance, divided by benchmark's variance. |
Annual Standard Deviation | string Annualized standard deviation. |
Annual Variance | string Annualized variance statistic calculation using the daily performance variance and trading days per year. |
Information Ratio | string Information ratio - risk adjusted return. |
Tracking Error | string Tracking error volatility (TEV) statistic - a measure of how closely a portfolio follows the index to which it is benchmarked. |
Treynor Ratio | string Treynor ratio statistic is a measurement of the returns earned in excess of that which could have been earned on an investment that has no diversifiable risk. |
Total Fees | string Total amount of fees. |
Estimated Strategy Capacity | string The estimated total capacity of the strategy at a point in time. |
Lowest Capacity Asset | string Provide a reference to the lowest capacity symbol used in scaling down the capacity for debugging. |
Portfolio Turnover | string The average Portfolio Turnover. |
Example |
{ "Total Orders": "string", "Average Win": "string", "Average Loss": "string", "Compounding Annual Return": "string", "Drawdown": "string", "Expectancy": "string", "Start Equity": "string", "End Equity": "string", "Net Profit": "string", "Sharpe Ratio": "string", "Sortino Ratio": "string", "Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio": "string", "Loss Rate": "string", "Win Rate": "string", "Profit-Loss Ratio": "string", "Alpha": "string", "Beta": "string", "Annual Standard Deviation": "string", "Annual Variance": "string", "Information Ratio": "string", "Tracking Error": "string", "Treynor Ratio": "string", "Total Fees": "string", "Estimated Strategy Capacity": "string", "Lowest Capacity Asset": "string", "Portfolio Turnover": "string" } |
401 Authentication Error
UnauthorizedError Model - Unauthorized response from the API. Key is missing, invalid, or timestamp is too old for hash. | |
www_authenticate | string Header |