Supported Models
This page explains the KrakenBrokerageModel
, including the asset classes it supports, its default security-level models, and its default markets.
SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.Kraken, AccountType.Cash); SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.Kraken, AccountType.Margin);
self.set_brokerage_model(BrokerageName.KRAKEN, AccountType.CASH) self.set_brokerage_model(BrokerageName.KRAKEN, AccountType.MARGIN)
To view the implementation of this model, see the LEAN GitHub repository.
Asset Classes
The KrakenBrokerageModel
supports trading Crypto.
The KrakenBrokerageModel
supports several order types and order properties, but it doesn't support order updates.
Order Types
The following table describes the available order types for each asset class that the KrakenBrokerageModel
Order Type | Crypto |
Market | ![]() |
Limit | ![]() |
Limit if touched | ![]() |
Stop market | ![]() |
Stop limit | ![]() |
Order Properties
The KrakenBrokerageModel
supports custom order properties. The following table describes the members of the KrakenOrderProperties
object that you can set to customize order execution:
Property | Data Type | Description | Default Value |
TimeInForce time_in_force | TimeInForce | A TimeInForce instruction to apply to the order. The following instructions are supported:
| TimeInForce.GoodTilCanceled TimeInForce.GOOD_TIL_CANCELED |
PostOnly post_only | bool | A flag to signal that the order must only add liquidity to the order book and not take liquidity from the order book. If part of the order results in taking liquidity rather than providing liquidity, the order is rejected without any part of it being filled. | |
FeeInBase fee_in_base | bool | A flag to signal that the order fees should be paid in the base currency, which is the default behavior when selling. This flag must be the opposite of the FeeInQuote fee_in_quote flag. | |
FeeInQuote fee_in_quote | bool | A flag to signal that the order fees should be paid in the quote currency, which is the default behavior when buying. This flag must be the opposite of the FeeInBase fee_in_base flag. | |
NoMarketPriceProtection no_market_price_protection | bool | A flag to signal that no Market Price Protection should be used. | |
ConditionalOrder conditional_order | Order | An Order that's submitted when the primary order is executed. The ConditionalOrder conditional_order quantity must match the primary order quantity and the ConditionalOrder conditional_order direction must be the opposite of the primary order direction. This order property is only available for live algorithms. |
public override void Initialize() { // Set the default order properties DefaultOrderProperties = new KrakenOrderProperties { TimeInForce = TimeInForce.GoodTilCanceled, PostOnly = false, FeeInBase = true, FeeInQuote = false, NoMarketPriceProtection = true }; } public override void OnData(Slice slice) { // Use default order order properties LimitOrder(_symbol, quantity, limitPrice); // Override the default order properties LimitOrder(_symbol, quantity, limitPrice, orderProperties: new KrakenOrderProperties { TimeInForce = TimeInForce.Day, PostOnly = true, FeeInBase = false, FeeInQuote = true, NoMarketPriceProtection = true }); LimitOrder(_symbol, quantity, limitPrice, orderProperties: new KrakenOrderProperties { TimeInForce = TimeInForce.GoodTilDate(new DateTime(year, month, day)), PostOnly = false, FeeInBase = true, FeeInQuote = false, NoMarketPriceProtection = false, ConditionalOrder = StopLimitOrder(_symbol, -quantity, stopLimitPrice, stopPrice) }); }
def initialize(self) -> None: # Set the default order properties self.default_order_properties = KrakenOrderProperties() self.default_order_properties.time_in_force = TimeInForce.GOOD_TIL_CANCELED self.default_order_properties.post_only = False self.default_order_properties.fee_in_base = True self.default_order_properties.fee_in_quote = False self.default_order_properties.no_market_price_protection = True def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None: # Use default order order properties self.limit_order(self._symbol, quantity, limit_price) # Override the default order properties order_properties = KrakenOrderProperties() order_properties.time_in_force = TimeInForce.DAY order_properties.post_only = True order_properties.fee_in_base = False order_properties.fee_in_quote = True order_properties.no_market_price_protection = True self.limit_order(self._symbol, quantity, limit_price, order_properties=order_properties) order_properties.time_in_force = TimeInForce.good_til_date(datetime(year, month, day)) order_properties.post_only = False order_properties.fee_in_base = True order_properties.fee_in_quote = False order_properties.no_market_price_protection = False order_properties.conditional_order = StopLimitOrder(self._symbol, -quantity, stop_limit_price, stop_price) self.limit_order(self._symbol, quantity, limit_price, order_properties=order_properties)
The KrakenBrokerageModel
doesn't support order updates, but you can cancel an existing order and then create a new order with the desired arguments. For more information about this workaround, see the Workaround for Brokerages That Don’t Support Updates.
The KrakenBrokerageModel
uses the ImmediateFillModel.
The KrakenBrokerageModel
uses the NullSlippageModel.
The KrakenBrokerageModel
uses the KrakenFeeModel.
Buying Power
The KrakenBrokerageModel
uses the CashBuyingPowerModel
for cash accounts and the SecurityMarginModel
for margin accounts.
If you have a margin account, the KrakenBrokerageModel
allows 1x leverage for most Crypto pairs. The following table shows pairs that have additional leverage available:
Quote Currency | Base Currencies | Leverage |
ADA | BTC, ETH, USD, EUR | 3 |
BCH | BTC, USD, EUR | 2 |
BTC | USD, EUR | 5 |
DASH | BTC, USD, EUR | 3 |
EOS | BTC, ETH, USD, EUR | 3 |
ETH | BTC, USD, EUR | 5 |
LTC | BTC, USD, EUR | 3 |
REP | BTC, ETH, USD, EUR | 2 |
TRX | BTC, ETH, USD, EUR | 3 |
USDC | USD, EUR | 3 |
USDT | USD, EUR | 2 |
XMR | BTC, USD, EUR | 2 |
XRP | BTC, USD, EUR | 3 |
XTZ | BTC, ETH, USD, EUR | 2 |
The KrakenBrokerageModel
uses the ImmediateSettlementModel.
Margin Interest Rate
The KrakenBrokerageModel
uses the NullMarginInterestRateModel.