
Custom Universes


A custom universe lets you select a basket of assets from a custom dataset.

Data Sources

You can gather your custom data from any of the following sources:

The data source should serve data in chronological order and each data point should have a unique timestamp. Each request has a 1 second overhead, so bundle samples together for fast execution.

Define Custom Universe Types

Custom universes should extend the BaseDataPythonData class. Extensions of the BaseDataPythonData class must implement a GetSourceget_source and Readerreader method.

The GetSourceget_source method in your custom data class instructs LEAN where to find the data. This method must return a SubscriptionDataSource object, which contains the data location and format (SubscriptionTransportMedium). You can even change source locations for backtesting and live modes. We support many different data sources.

The Readerreader method of your custom data class takes one line of data from the source location and parses it into one of your custom objects. You can add as many properties to your custom data objects as you need, but must set Symbolsymbol and EndTimeend_time properties. When there is no useable data in a line, the method should return nullNone. LEAN repeatedly calls the Readerreader method until the date/time advances or it reaches the end of the file.

//Example custom universe data; it is virtually identical to other custom data types.
public class MyCustomUniverseDataClass : BaseData 
    public int CustomAttribute1;
    public decimal CustomAttribute2;
    public override DateTime EndTime 
        // define end time as exactly 1 day after Time
        get { return Time + QuantConnect.Time.OneDay; }
        set { Time = value - QuantConnect.Time.OneDay; }

    public override SubscriptionDataSource GetSource(SubscriptionDataConfig config, DateTime date, bool isLiveMode)
        return new SubscriptionDataSource(@"your-remote-universe-data", SubscriptionTransportMedium.RemoteFile);

    public override BaseData Reader(SubscriptionDataConfig config, string line, DateTime date, bool isLiveMode) 
        var items = line.Split(",");

        // Generate required data, then return an instance of your class.
        return new MyCustomUniverseDataClass 
            EndTime = Parse.DateTimeExact(items[0], "yyyy-MM-dd"),
            Symbol = Symbol.Create(items[1], SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA),
            CustomAttribute1 = int.Parse(items[2]),
            CustomAttribute2 = decimal.Parse(items[3], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.Invariant)
# Example custom universe data; it is virtually identical to other custom data types.
class MyCustomUniverseDataClass(PythonData):

    def get_source(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, date: datetime, is_live_mode: bool) -> SubscriptionDataSource:
        return SubscriptionDataSource(@"your-remote-universe-data", SubscriptionTransportMedium.REMOTE_FILE)

    def reader(self, config: SubscriptionDataConfig, line: str, date: datetime, is_live_mode: bool) -> BaseData:
        items = line.split(",")
        # Generate required data, then return an instance of your class.
        data = MyCustomUniverseDataClass()
        data.end_time = datetime.strptime(items[0], "%Y-%m-%d")
        # define Time as exactly 1 day earlier Time
        data.time = data.end_time - timedelta(1)
        data.symbol = Symbol.create(items[1], SecurityType.CRYPTO, Market.BITFINEX)
        data["CustomAttribute1"] = int(items[2])
        data["CustomAttribute2"] = float(items[3])
        return data

Your Readerreader method should return objects in chronological order. If an object has a timestamp that is the same or earlier than the timestamp of the previous object, LEAN ignores it.

If you need to create multiple objects in your Readerreader method from a single line, follow these steps:

  1. In the GetSourceget_source method, pass FileFormat.UnfoldingCollectionFileFormat.UNFOLDING_COLLECTION as the third argument to the SubscriptionDataSource constructor.
  2. In the Readerreader method, order the objects by their timestamp and then return a BaseDataCollection(endTime, config.Symbol, objects)BaseDataCollection(end_time, config.symbol, objects) where objects is a list of your custom data objects.
public class MyCustomUniverseDataClass : BaseData 
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Attr1")]
    public int CustomAttribute1 { get; set; }

    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ticker")]
    public string Ticker { get; set; }
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "date")]
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }

    public override DateTime EndTime 
        // define end time as exactly 1 day after Time
        get { return Time + QuantConnect.Time.OneDay; }
        set { Time = value - QuantConnect.Time.OneDay; }

    public MyCustomUniverseDataClass()
        Symbol = Symbol.Empty;
        DataType = MarketDataType.Base;
    public override SubscriptionDataSource GetSource(SubscriptionDataConfig config, DateTime date, bool isLiveMode)
        return new SubscriptionDataSource(@"your-data-source-url", 

    public override BaseData Reader(SubscriptionDataConfig config, string line, DateTime date, bool isLiveMode) 
        var items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MyCustomUniverseDataClass>>(line);
        var endTime = items.Last().Date;

        foreach (var item in items)
            item.Symbol = Symbol.Create(item.Ticker, SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA);
            item.Time = item.Date;
            item.Value = (decimal) item.CustomAttribute1;

        return new BaseDataCollection(endTime, config.Symbol, items);
class MyCustomUniverseDataClass(PythonData):
    def get_source(self, config, date, isLive):
        return SubscriptionDataSource("your-data-source-url", SubscriptionTransportMedium.REMOTE_FILE, FileFormat.UNFOLDING_COLLECTION)

    def reader(self, config, line, date, isLive):
        json_response = json.loads(line)
        end_time = datetime.strptime(json_response[-1]["date"], '%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(1)

        data = list()

        for json_datum in json_response:
            datum = MyCustomUniverseDataClass()
            datum.symbol = Symbol.create(json_datum["Ticker"], SecurityType.EQUITY, Market.USA)
            datum.time = datetime.strptime(json_datum["date"], '%Y-%m-%d') 
            datum.end_time = datum.time + timedelta(1)
            datum['CustomAttribute1'] = int(json_datum['Attr1'])
            datum.value = float(json_datum['Attr1'])

        return BaseDataCollection(end_time, config.symbol, data)

Initialize Custom Universes

To add a custom universe to your algorithm, in the Initializeinitialize method, pass your universe type and a selector function to the AddUniverseadd_universe method. The selector function receives a list of your custom objects and must return a list of Symbol objects. In the selector function definition, you can use any of the properties of your custom data type. The Symbol objects that you return from the selector function set the constituents of the universe.

private Universe _universe;
// In Initialize
_universe = AddUniverse<MyCustomUniverseDataClass>("myCustomUniverse", Resolution.Daily, data => {
    return (from singleStockData in data
           where singleStockData.CustomAttribute1 > 0
           orderby singleStockData.CustomAttribute2 descending
           select singleStockData.Symbol).Take(5);
# In Initialize
self._universe = self.add_universe(MyCustomUniverseDataClass, "myCustomUniverse", Resolution.DAILY, self.selector_function)

# Define the selector function
def selector_function(self, data: List[MyCustomUniverseDataClass]) -> List[Symbol]:
    sorted_data = sorted([ x for x in data if x["CustomAttribute1"] > 0 ],
                         key=lambda x: x["CustomAttribute2"],
    return [x.symbol for x in sorted_data[:5]]

Historical Data

To get custom universe historical data, call the Historyhistory method with the Universe object and the lookback period. The return type is a IEnumerable<BaseDataCollection> and you have to cast its items to MyCustomUniverseDataClass.

To get historical custom universe data, call the Historyhistory method with the Universe object and the lookback period. The return type is a pandas.DataFrame where the columns contain the custom type attributes.

var history = History(_universe, 30);
foreach (var data in history)
    foreach (MyCustomUniverseDataClass singleStockData in data)
        Log($"{singleStockData.Symbol} CustomAttribute1 at {singleStockData.EndTime}: {singleStockData.CustomAttribute1}");
history = self.history(self._universe, 30)
for time, data in history.iterrows():
    for single_stock_data in data:
        self.log(f"{single_stock_data.symbol} CustomAttribute1 at {single_stock_data.end_time}: {single_stock_data['CustomAttribute1']}")

Selection Frequency

Custom universes run on a schedule based on the EndTimeend_time of your custom data objects. To adjust the selection schedule, see Schedule.

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