Trading and Orders

Order Errors


If an error occurs with one of your orders, LEAN logs the error message and stops executing.

Types of Order Errors

Errors can occur when you place orders or after you place them.

Errors at Order Submission

The following errors can occur when you submit an order:

  • AlgorithmWarmingUp
  • BrokerageFailedToSubmitOrder
  • BrokerageModelRefusedToSubmitOrder
  • ConversionRateZero
  • EuropeanOptionNotExpiredOnExercise
  • ExceededMaximumOrders
  • ExceedsShortableQuantity
  • ExchangeNotOpen
  • ForexBaseAndQuoteCurrenciesRequired
  • ForexConversionRateZero
  • InsufficientBuyingPower
  • MarketOnCloseOrderTooLate
  • MissingSecurity
  • NonExercisableSecurity
  • NonTradableSecurity
  • OptionOrderOnStockSplit
  • OrderAlreadyExisits
  • OrderQuantityLessThanLotSize
  • OrderQuantityZero
  • PreOrderChecksError
  • QuoteCurrencyRequired
  • SecurityHasNoData
  • UnsupportedRequestType

Errors After Order Submission

The following errors can occur for active orders:

  • BrokerageFailedToUpdateOrder
  • BrokerageModelRefusedToUpdateOrder
  • InvalidNewOrderStatus
  • InvalidOrderStatus
  • InvalidRequest
  • RequestCanceled
  • UnableToFindOrder

Common Errors

There are a few common order errors you may experience.

Why is my order converted to a market on open order?

If you place a market order when the market is closed, LEAN automatically converts the order into market on open order. This most commonly happens when you use daily or hourly data, which your algorithm can receive when the market is closed. With the DailyPreciseEndTimedaily_precise_end_time setting enabled, your algorithm receives daily bars and the last hourly bar of each day at 4 PM Eastern Time (ET). To avoid LEAN from converting your market order to market on open orders, submit your market orders when the market is open. To check if the market is open, call the IsMarketOpenis_market_open method.

// Check the market status before placing an order to avoid unintended market-on-open trades 
if (IsMarketOpen(_symbol))
    MarketOrder(symbol, quantity);
# Check the market status before placing an order to avoid unintended market-on-open trades.
if self.is_market_open(self._symbol):
    self.market_order(self._symbol, quantity)

Why am I seeing the "stale price" warning?

Stale fills occur when you fill an order with price data that is timestamped an hour or more into the past. Stale fills usually only occur if you trade illiquid assets or if your algorithm uses daily data but you trade intraday with Scheduled Events. If your order is filled with stale data, the fill price may not be realistic. The pre-built fill models can only fill market orders with stale data. To adjust the length of time that needs to pass before an order is considered stale, set the StalePriceTimeSpanstale_price_time_span setting.

Settings.StalePriceTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
self.settings.stale_price_time_span = timedelta(minutes=10)

Why do I get "Backtest Handled Error: The security with symbol '/ES' is marked as non-tradable"?

This error occurs when you place an order for a continuous Futures contract, which isn't a tradable security. To fix the issue, place the order for a specific Futures contract. To access the currently selected contract in the continuous contract series, use the Mappedmapped property of the Future object.

Why do I get "Backtest Handled Error: Order Error: ids: [1], Insufficient buying power to complete orders" from a Crypto order?

When you place Crypto trades, ensure you have a sufficient balance of the base or quote currency before each trade. If you hold multiple assets and you want to put all of your capital into BTCUSDT, you need to first convert all your non-BTC assets into USDT and then purchase BTCUSDT.

By default, the account currency is USD and your starting cash is $100,000. Some Crypto exchanges don't support fiat currencies, which means you can't convert the $100,000 USD to the pair's quote currency. In this case, set your account currency to the quote currency with a positive quantity.

SetAccountCurrency("USDT", 1000);   // Set account currency to Thether and its quantity to 1000 USDT
self.set_account_currency("USDT", 1000)   # Set account currency to Thether and its quantity to 1000 USDT

Error Code Reference

The OrderError enumeration has the following members:

Order Response Error Reference

The following sections explain why each OrderResponseErrorCode occurs and how to avoid it.


The OrderResponseErrorCode.NoneOrderResponseErrorCode.NONE (0) error means there is no order response error.

Processing Error

The OrderResponseErrorCode.ProcessingErrorOrderResponseErrorCode.PROCESSING_ERROR (-1) error occurs in the following situations:

  • When you submit a new order, but LEAN throws an exception while checking if you have sufficient buying power for the order.
  • When you try to update or cancel an order, but LEAN throws an exception.

To investigate this order response error further, see the HandleSubmitOrderRequest, UpdateOrder, and CancelOrder methods of the BrokerageTransactionHandler in the LEAN GitHub repository.

Order Already Exists

The OrderResponseErrorCode.OrderAlreadyExistsOrderResponseErrorCode.ORDER_ALREADY_EXISTS (-2) error occurs when you submit a new order but you already have an open order or a completed order with the same order ID. This order response error usually comes from a concurrency issue.

To avoid this order response, don't place two asynchronous orders at the same time.

Insufficient Buying Power

The OrderResponseErrorCode.InsufficientBuyingPowerOrderResponseErrorCode.INSUFFICIENT_BUYING_POWER (-3) error occurs when you place an order but the buying power model determines you can't afford it.

To avoid this order response error for non-Option trades, ensure you have enough margin remaining to cover the initial margin requirements of the order before placing it.

This error also commonly occurs when you place a market on open order with daily data. If you place the order with SetHoldingsset_holdings or use CalculateOrderQuantitycalculate_order_quantity to determine the order quantity, LEAN calculates the order quantity based on the market close price. If the open price on the following day makes your order more expensive, then you may have insufficient buying power. To avoid the order response error in this case, either use intraday data and place trades when the market is open or adjust your buying power buffer.

Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage = 0.05m;
self.settings.free_portfolio_value_percentage = 0.05

Brokerage Model Refused to Submit Order

The OrderResponseErrorCode.BrokerageModelRefusedToSubmitOrderOrderResponseErrorCode.BROKERAGE_MODEL_REFUSED_TO_SUBMIT_ORDER (-4) error occurs when you place an order but the brokerage model determines it's invalid. The brokerage model usually checks your order meets the following requirements before sending it to the brokerage:

  • Supported security types
  • Supported order types and their respective requirements
  • Supported time in force options
  • The order size is larger than the minimum order size

Each brokerage model can have additional order requirements that the brokerage declares. To avoid this order response error, see the Orders section of the brokerage model documentation.

To investigate this order response error further, see the CanSubmitOrder method definition of your brokerage model. This order response error occurs when the CanSubmitOrder method returns falseFalse.

Brokerage Failed to Submit Order

The OrderResponseErrorCode.BrokerageFailedToSubmitOrderOrderResponseErrorCode.BROKERAGE_FAILED_TO_SUBMIT_ORDER (-5) error occurs when you place an order but the brokerage implementation fails to submit the order to your brokerage.

To investigate this order response error further, see the PlaceOrder method definition of your brokerage or the BacktestingBrokerage in the LEAN GitHub repository. This order response error occurs when the PlaceOrder method throws an error or returns false.

Brokerage Failed to Update Order

The OrderResponseErrorCode.BrokerageFailedToUpdateOrderOrderResponseErrorCode.BROKERAGE_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ORDER (-6) error occurs when you try to update an order but the brokerage implementation fails to submit the order update request to your brokerage.

To avoid this order response error, see the Orders section of the brokerage model documentation.

To investigate this order response error further, see the UpdateOrder method definition of your brokerage or the BacktestingBrokerage in the LEAN GitHub repository. This order response error occurs when the UpdateOrder method throws an error or returns false.

Brokerage Failed to Cancel Order

The OrderResponseErrorCode.BrokerageFailedToCancelOrderOrderResponseErrorCode.BROKERAGE_FAILED_TO_CANCEL_ORDER (-8) error occurs when you try to cancel an order but the brokerage implementation fails to submit the cancel request to your brokerage.

To investigate this order response error further, see the CancelOrder method definition of your brokerage or the BacktestingBrokerage in the LEAN GitHub repository. This order response error occurs when CancelOrder method throws an error or returns false.

Invalid Order Status

The OrderResponseErrorCode.InvalidOrderStatusOrderResponseErrorCode.INVALID_ORDER_STATUS (-9) error occurs when you try to update or cancel an order but the order is already complete. An order is complete if it has OrderStatus.FilledOrderStatus.FILLED, OrderStatus.CanceledOrderStatus.CANCELED, or OrderStatus.InvalidOrderStatus.INVALID.

To avoid this order response error, check Status of an order ticket or order event before you update or cancel the order.

if (!_orderTicket.Status.IsClosed())
if not OrderExtensions.is_closed(order_ticket.status):

Unable to Find Order

The OrderResponseErrorCode.UnableToFindOrderOrderResponseErrorCode.UNABLE_TO_FIND_ORDER (-10) error occurs when you try to place, update, or cancel an order, but the BrokerageTransactionHandler doesn't have a record of the order ID.

To investigate this order response error further, see BrokerageTransactionHandler.cs in the LEAN GitHub repository. This order response error occurs when the BrokerageTransactionHandler can't find the order ID in it's _completeOrders or _completeOrderTickets dictionaries.

Order Quantity Zero

The OrderResponseErrorCode.OrderQuantityZeroOrderResponseErrorCode.ORDER_QUANTITY_ZERO (-11) error occurs when you place an order that has zero quantity or when you update an order to have a zero quantity. This error commonly occurs if you use the SetHoldings method but the portfolio weight you provide to the method is too small to translate into a non-zero order quantity.

To avoid this order response error, check if the quantity of the order is non-zero before you place the order. If you use the SetHoldingsset_holdings method, replace it with a combination of the CalculateOrderQuantity and MarketOrder methods.

var quantity = CalculateOrderQuantity(_symbol, 0.05);
if (quantity != 0)
    MarketOrder(_symbol, quantity);
quantity = self.calculate_order_quantity(self._symbol, 0.05)
if quantity:
    self.market_order(self._symbol, quantity)

Unsupported Request Type

The OrderResponseErrorCode.UnsupportedRequestTypeOrderResponseErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST_TYPE (-12) error occurs in the following situations:

  • When you try to exercise an Option contract for which you hold a short position
  • When you try to exercise more Option contracts than you hold

To avoid this order response error, check the quantity of your holdings before you try to exercise an Option contract.

var holdingQuantity = Portfolio[_contractSymbol].Quantity;
if (holdingQuantity > 0)
    ExerciseOption(_contractSymbol, Math.Max(holdingQuantity, exerciseQuantity));
holding_quantity = self.Portfolio[self.contract_symbol].Quantity
if holding_quantity > 0:
    self.ExerciseOption(self.contract_symbol, max(holding_quantity, exercise_quantity))

Missing Security

The OrderResponseErrorCode.MissingSecurityOrderResponseErrorCode.MISSING_SECURITY (-14) error occurs when you place an order for a security but you don't have a subscription for the security in your algorithm.

To avoid this order response error, create a subscription for each security you want to trade. To create subscriptions, see the Requesting Data page of the documentation for each asset class.

Exchange Not Open

The OrderResponseErrorCode.ExchangeNotOpenOrderResponseErrorCode.EXCHANGE_NOT_OPEN (-15) error occurs in the following situations:

  • When you try to exercise an Option while the exchange is not open
  • To avoid the order response error in this case, check if the exchange is open before you exercise an Option contract.

    if (IsMarketOpen(_contractSymbol))
        ExerciseOption(_contractSymbol, quantity);
    if self.is_market_open(self.contract_symbol):
        self.exercise_option(self.contract_symbol, quantity)
  • When you try to place a market on open order for a Futures contract or a Future Option contract

Security Price Zero

The OrderResponseErrorCode.SecurityPriceZeroOrderResponseErrorCode.SECURITY_PRICE_ZERO (-16) error occurs when you place an order or exercise an Option contract while the security price is $0. The security price can be $0 for the following reasons:

  • The data is missing
  • Investigate if it's a data issue. If it is a data issue, report it.

  • The algorithm hasn't received data for the security yet
  • If you subscribe to a security and place an order for the security in the same time step, you'll get this error. To avoid this order response error, initialize the security price with the last known price.

    SetSecurityInitializer(new BrokerageModelSecurityInitializer(BrokerageModel, new FuncSecuritySeeder(GetLastKnownPrices)));
    self.set_security_initializer(BrokerageModelSecurityInitializer(self.brokerage_model, FuncSecuritySeeder(self.get_last_known_prices)))

Forex Base and Quote Currencies Required

The OrderResponseErrorCode.ForexBaseAndQuoteCurrenciesRequiredOrderResponseErrorCode.FOREX_BASE_AND_QUOTE_CURRENCIES_REQUIRED (-17) error occurs when you place a trade for a Forex or Crypto pair but you don't have the base currency and quote currency in your cash book. This error should never occur. If it does, create a bug report.

Forex Conversion Rate Zero

The OrderResponseErrorCode.ForexConversionRateZeroOrderResponseErrorCode.FOREX_CONVERSION_RATE_ZERO (-18) error occurs when you place a trade for a Forex or Crypto pair and LEAN can't convert the value of the base currency to your account currency. This error usually indicates a lack of data. Investigate the data and if there is some missing, report it.

Security Has No Data

The OrderResponseErrorCode.SecurityHasNoDataOrderResponseErrorCode.SECURITY_HAS_NO_DATA (-19) error occurs when you place an order for a security before your algorithm receives any data for it. If you subscribe to a security and place an order for the security in the same time step, you'll get this error. To avoid this order response error, initialize the security price with the last known price.

SetSecurityInitializer(new BrokerageModelSecurityInitializer(BrokerageModel, new FuncSecuritySeeder(GetLastKnownPrices)));
self.set_security_initializer(BrokerageModelSecurityInitializer(self.brokerage_model, FuncSecuritySeeder(self.get_last_known_prices)))

Exceeded Maximum Orders

The OrderResponseErrorCode.ExceededMaximumOrdersOrderResponseErrorCode.EXCEEDED_MAXIMUM_ORDERS (-20) error occurs when exceed your order quota in a backtest. The number of orders you can place in a single backtest depends on the tier of your organization. The following table shows the number of orders you can place on each tier:

TierOrders Quota
Quant Researcher10M
Trading FirmUnlimited

To avoid this order response error, reduce the number of orders in your backtest or upgrade your organization.

Market on Close Order Too Late

The OrderResponseErrorCode.MarketOnCloseOrderTooLateOrderResponseErrorCode.MARKET_ON_CLOSE_ORDER_TOO_LATE (-21) error occurs when you try to place a market on close (MOC) order too early in the trading day.

To avoid this order response error, place the MOC order closer to the market close or adjust the submission time buffer. By default, you must place MOC orders at least 15.5 minutes before the close, but some exchanges let you submit them closer to the market closing time. To adjust the buffer period that's required, set the MarketOnCloseOrder.SubmissionTimeBufferMarketOnCloseOrder.submission_time_buffer property.

Orders.MarketOnCloseOrder.SubmissionTimeBuffer = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
MarketOnCloseOrder.submission_time_buffer = timedelta(minutes=10)

Invalid Request

The OrderResponseErrorCode.InvalidRequestOrderResponseErrorCode.INVALID_REQUEST (-22) error occurs when you try to cancel an order multiple times.

To avoid this order response error, only try to cancel an order one time.

Request Canceled

The OrderResponseErrorCode.RequestCanceledOrderResponseErrorCode.REQUEST_CANCELED (-23) error occurs when you try to cancel an order multiple times.

To avoid this order response error, only try to cancel an order one time.

Algorithm Warming Up

The OrderResponseErrorCode.AlgorithmWarmingUpOrderResponseErrorCode.ALGORITHM_WARMING_UP (-24) error occurs in the following situations:

To avoid this order response error, only manage orders after the warm-up period ends. To avoid trading during the warm-up period, add an IsWarmingUpis_warming_up guard to the top of the OnDataon_data method.

if (IsWarmingUp) return;
if self.is_warming_up: return

Brokerage Model Refused to Update Order

The OrderResponseErrorCode.BrokerageModelRefusedToUpdateOrderOrderResponseErrorCode.BROKERAGE_MODEL_REFUSED_TO_UPDATE_ORDER (-25) error occurs in backtests when you try to update an order in a way that the brokerage model doesn't support.

To avoid this issue, see the Orders section of the brokerage model documentation to check its order requirements.

To investigate this order response error further, see the CanUpdateOrder method definition of your brokerage model.

Quote Currency Required

The OrderResponseErrorCode.QuoteCurrencyRequiredOrderResponseErrorCode.QUOTE_CURRENCY_REQUIRED (-26) error occurs when you place an order for a Forex or Crypto pair and don't have the quote currency of the pair in your cash book. This error should never occur. If it does, create a bug report.

Conversion Rate Zero

The OrderResponseErrorCode.ConversionRateZeroOrderResponseErrorCode.CONVERSION_RATE_ZERO (-27) error occurs when you place an order for a Forex or Crypto pair and LEAN can't convert the value of the quote currency in the pair to your account currency. This order response error usually indicates a lack of data. Investigate the data and if there is data missing, report it.

Non-Tradable Security

The OrderResponseErrorCode.NonTradableSecurityOrderResponseErrorCode.NON_TRADABLE_SECURITY (-28) error occurs when you place an order for a security that's not tradable. To avoid this order response error, check if a security is tradable before you trade it.

if (Securities[_symbol].IsTradable)
    MarketOrder(_symbol, quantity);
if self.securities[self._symbol].is_tradable:
    self.market_order(self._symbol, quantity)

Non-Exercisable Security

The OrderResponseErrorCode.NonExercisableSecurityOrderResponseErrorCode.NON_EXERCISABLE_SECURITY (-29) error occurs when you call the ExerciseOption method with a Symbol that doesn't reference an Option contract.

Order Quantity Less Than Lot Size

The OrderResponseErrorCode.OrderQuantityLessThanLotSizeOrderResponseErrorCode.ORDER_QUANTITY_LESS_THAN_LOT_SIZE (-30) error occurs when you place an order with a quantity that's less than the lot size of the security.

To avoid this order response error, check if the order quantity is greater than or equal to the security lot size before you place an order.

var lotSize = Securities[_symbol].SymbolProperties.LotSize;
if (quantity >= lotSize)
    MarketOrder(_symbol, quantity);
lot_size = self.Securities[self._symbol].SymbolProperties.LotSize
if quantity >= lot_size:
    self.MarketOrder(self._symbol, quantity)

Exceeds Shortable Quantity

The OrderResponseErrorCode.ExceedsShortableQuantityOrderResponseErrorCode.EXCEEDS_SHORTABLE_QUANTITY (-31) error occurs when you place an order to short a security but the shortable provider of the brokerage model states there isn't enough shares to borrow. For a full example of this error, clone and run this backtest.

To avoid this order response error, check if there are enough shares available before you place an order to short a security.

var availableToBorrow = BrokerageModel.GetShortableProvider().ShortableQuantity(_symbol, Time);
if (availableToBorrow == null || quantityToBorrow <= availableToBorrow)
    MarketOrder(_symbol, -quantityToBorrow);
available_to_borrow = self.BrokerageModel.GetShortableProvider().ShortableQuantity(self._symbol, self.Time)
if available_to_borrow == None or quantity_to_borrow <= available_to_borrow:
    self.MarketOrder(self._symbol, -quantity_to_borrow)

Invalid New Order Status

The OrderResponseErrorCode.InvalidNewOrderStatusOrderResponseErrorCode.INVALID_NEW_ORDER_STATUS (-32) error occurs in live trading when you try to update or cancel an order while it still has OrderStatus.NewOrderStatus.NEW status.

To avoid this order response error, check the Statusstatus property of the order ticket or order event before you update or cancel an order.

if (_orderTicket.Status != OrderStatus.New)
if self.order_ticket.status != OrderStatus.NEW:

European Option Not Expired on Exercise

The OrderResponseErrorCode.EuropeanOptionNotExpiredOnExerciseOrderResponseErrorCode.EUROPEAN_OPTION_NOT_EXPIRED_ON_EXERCISE (-33) error occurs when you try to exercise a European Option contract before its expiry date.

To avoid this order response error, check the type and expiry date of the contract before you exercise it.

if (_contractSymbol.ID.OptionStyle == OptionStyle.European && _contractSymbol.ID.Date == Time.Date)
    ExerciseOption(_contractSymbol, quantity);
if self.contract_symbol.ID.OptionStyle == OptionStyle.European && self.contract_symbol.ID.Date == self.Time.Date:
    self.ExerciseOption(self.contract_symbol, quantity)

Option Order on Stock Split

The OrderResponseErrorCode.OptionOrderOnStockSplitOrderResponseErrorCode.OPTION_ORDER_ON_STOCK_SPLIT (-34) error occurs when you try to submit an order for an Equity Option contract when the current time slice contains a split for the underlying Equity.

To avoid this order response error, check if the time slice has a split event for the underlying Equity of the contract before you place an order for the contract.

if (!slice.Splits.ContainsKey(_contractSymbol.Underlying))
    MarketOrder(_contractSymbol, quantity);
if self.contract_symbol.underlying not in slice.splits:
    self.market_order(self.contract_symbol, quantity)

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